Smart Pigging with no launcher or receiver

Smart Pigging with no launcher or receiver

i2i have now completed a number of pipeline inspection where there has been no launching or receiving facilities in place. Launching into the nominal pipe through a blanked flange. i2i can carry out these line inspections from 3inch and up.
12inch Pig Valve Pioneer

12inch Pig Valve Pioneer

i2i has successfully run a 12inch Pioneer tool via a pig valve offshore China. Full internal inspection capability with odometer and IMU. Great inspection data without the need for modifying facilities to accommodate a smart pig.
i2i Office Cracow Poland

i2i Office Cracow Poland

i2i is pleased to announce the start of a new office in Cracow Poland. Cracow is a beautiful city that benefits from a respected technical university and a large pool of well-educated and motivated graduate engineers. The team in Cracow will support the UK office in...
3inch pipeline inspection

3inch pipeline inspection

i2i’s 3inch Pioneer tools are successfully inspecting complex geometry lines in Canada. The tools can pass multiple 90deg bends and can be launched into nominal pipe with no requirement for oversized barrel launchers.
Inspecting non-metallic pipelines

Inspecting non-metallic pipelines

i2i now has the sensor technology to inspect non-metallic pipelines from 3inch and up. This will include HDPE, Fiberglass, Flexpipe and FlexSteel pipelines. The smart pigs with the new sensors can pass 90deg bends and be launched from pigging valves or conventional...
A new entity for i2i in Indonesia

A new entity for i2i in Indonesia

i2i has created a new entity in SEA. The company is based in Jakarta and headed up by Fadillah Syahputra and Adrian Pilma PT. ITWOI ASIA PASIFIK One Pacific Place 15th floor Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Jalan. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta Selatan...